Would you rather...dig through your Gmail promotions tab or listen to this awesome snippet episode with AWeber's Chief Product Officer, Chris Vasquez? We know what we'll choose!

Chris loves using design and technology to help people create businesses that bring hope, joy, and value to people's lives. He works with a team of product managers and UX/UI designers to create tools and experiences that entrepreneurs, bloggers, podcasters and small businesses of all sorts use to connect with their audiences in remarkable ways. He's most passionate about identifying and helping to unlock super powers in product people, from becoming data-whisperers to prototyping mad scientists. He's almost equally passionate about building things that enable people to do incredible things and feel amazing doing them. The center of the Venn diagram between those passions is an obsession with experimentation as a means for unearthing insights of all types.

In this week's episode, we're talking about how cool it is to manage product for our friends at AWeber and about Chris's side project, the Would You Rather Newsletter (which is SO MUCH FUN by the way). On this week's show notes, grab a few extras: